Microburst in Norman, Oklahoma

As warm humid air rises within a storm, heavy rain forms and some of it evaporates in the colder air aloft. This cooled air then sinks, accelerates and spreads out rapidly as it hits the ground, resulting in a localized, straight-lined wind called a microburst. A microburst can be very strong and damaging, as seen in the video below.

From the video description:

This was one of the more unexpected yet insane weather events this year. This Microburst had measured wind gusts of 82mph, but it is very likely pockets were upwards of 90mph+!!!

In the video the first you see is a timelapse of the storm approaching, pay particular attention as you can actually see the downburst winds at the surface falling from this high based supercell!! THEN the insanity starts as the house is pelted with hail, torrential rain, and 80mph+ winds!!